Sunday, April 17, 2016

Inspire yourself...

"You are only confined by the walls you build yourself"...

Hello People!

So today I was inspired to make a post about my hair and what led to my decision for getting grey hair. Being an aspiring beauty and fashion blogger is a lot of work. Everyday I aspire to be different and to be distinguished among the other bloggers...and trust me there are MANY of other talented bloggers out there. The main goal is not being popular but to have fun and ultimately please myself before anyone else. Now the whole grey hair is not a new trend but it is something that I have always wanted to try but I would always try to play it "safe" and stick to black. I finally gave into the fire in my soul and I got my hair fully grey.

This is yarn braids done in a bob style

I naturally love short hair styles and I thought I would play around with a short grey bob. This was a very big step for me and I was definitely scared about what people would say but like Theodore Roosevelt said,"I care not what others think of what I do,but I care very much about what I think of what I do!" Those are very real words that encouraged me to make this step. So I urge whoever is reading this, Get up and DO IT! Go ahead and SLAY for YOU and nobody else. 

Do not forget to follow me in order to get notifications of my posts so you don't miss out. Also, follow me on my social media Instagram. Thank you!

Have a beautiful evening lovelies.


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